Los volcanes activos o recientes (1)
| En tierra activa o reciente (<10 000 years B.P.) volcano |
| Volcanes submarinos activos |
Eras (2)
Astroproblemas (Cráteres de impacto por meteoritos) (3)
| Location of the Tunguska airblast (1908) |
| Crater diameter < 10 km |
| Crater diameter ≥ 10 km |
Contorno Geologico (4)
| Map boundary |
| Geologic contour line (continental) |
| Geologic contour line (oceanic) |
| Boundary of the ice shelf (Antarctica) |
| Approximate boundary between "true" oceanic crust and continental crust |
| Approximate boundary between "true" oceanic crust and continental crust, masked |
Isovalores (5)
| Límites de plataforma continental o insular (profundidad inferior a 200 m) |
| Nivel del mar(0 m) |
Caracteristicas lineal (6)
Estructuras (7)
| Falla principal |
| Falla principal siniestral |
| Main transform dextral fault |
| Main transform sinistral fault (G) |
| Main transform dextral fault (G) |
| Masked or inferred main fault |
| Thrust front |
| Inferred thrust front |
| Incipient subduction zone |
| Active subduction zone |
| Extinct subduction zone |
| Front of sedimentary accretionary prism |
| Active axis of oceanic accretionary ride |
| Extinct axis of oceanic accretionary ride |
Meseta Oceanica (8)
| Oceanic plateau (=LIP; with indication of mean age, in Ma) |
Otras caracteristicas (9)
| Distributed deformation of the oceanic crust (diffuse plate boundary) |
| Offshore Cenozoic volcanism related to the opening of the North Atlantic ocean and the Iceland hotspot (North Atlantic Volcanic Province): Seaward Dipping Reflector sequences (SDRs) |
| SDRs related to the opening of the South Atlantic ocean during Early Cretaceous (passive margin volcanism) |
Unidades geológicas en alta mar (10)
| 130 - pq, Oceanic crust - Plio-Quaternary, Oceanic crust, |
| 131 - m, Oceanic crust - Miocene, Oceanic crust, |
| 132 - g, Oceanic crust - Oligocene, Oceanic crust, |
| 139 - n, Oceanic crust - Neogene, Oceanic crust, |
| 133 - e, Oceanic crust - Eocene, Oceanic crust, |
| 134 - p, Oceanic crust - Paleocene, Oceanic crust, |
| 135 - k2, Oceanic crust - Upper Cretaceous, Oceanic crust, |
| 136 - k1, Oceanic crust - Lower Cretaceous, Oceanic crust, |
| 140 - k, Oceanic crust - Undifferenciated Cretaceous, Oceanic crust, |
| 137 - j3, Oceanic crust - Upper Jurassic, Oceanic crust, |
| 142 - j2, Oceanic crust - Middle Jurassic, Oceanic crust, |
| 141 - jk, Oceanic crust - Undifferenciated Jurassic - Cretaceous, Oceanic crust, |
| 138 - x, Oceanic crust - Unknown age, Oceanic crust, |
| 35 - , Continental or island arc slope, except Antarctica, , |
| 37 - , Antarctica continental margin, , |
Unidades geológicas en tierra (11)
| |
| Age unknown |
| Archean |
| Cenozoic |
| Cenozoic to Mesozoic |
| Eocene |
| Lower Cretaceous |
| Lower Paleozoic |
| Lower Paleozoic to Neoproterozoic |
| Meso-Cenozoic |
| Mesoproterozoic |
| Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic |
| Mesozoic |
| Mesozoic to Paleozoic |
| Mesozoic to upper Paleozoic |
| Middle Jurassic |
| Miocene |
| Neogene |
| Neoproterozoic |
| Neoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic |
| Neoproterozoic to lower Paleozoic |
| Oligocene |
| Paleocene |
| Paleoproterozoic |
| Paleoproterozoic to Archean |
| Paleozoic |
| Paleozoic to Neoproterozoic |
| Paleozoic to Paleoproterozoic |
| Paleozoic to Precambrian |
| Plio-Quaternary |
| Precambrian |
| Proterozoic |
| Undifferenciated Cretaceous |
| Undifferenciated Jurassic - Cretaceous |
| Unknown age |
| Upper Cretaceous |
| Upper Jurassic |
| Upper Paleozoic |